Fascinating Flavours

Fascinating Flavours

Not only does Morish have the best Caramel Coated nuts, also on offer are our fantastic Coffee Glazed, Abalone & Wasabi Macadamia’s! Shop Online at www.morish.com.au to explore our fascinating flavours to experience and enjoy. What’s your favourite?

Morish Coffee Glazed Macadamias 200g

Internationally renowned for their deliciously mouth watering flavour and irresistible “crunch”, Australia’s native Macadamia is the King of the Nuts. Combined with Morish Nuts caramel coating our Morish Macadamia are a snack fit for royalty.

Morish Abalone Macadamias 200g

From the depths of the ocean comes the Abalone shellfish which is dried, minced, powdered and scattered onto the delectable raw macadamia. For the lovers of all things fishy!

Morish Wasabi Macadamias 200g

Inspired by a trip to the Orient. Each Morish Wasabi Macadamia is lightly covered in spicy Wasabi (Japanese Horseradish). The heat from this nut doesn’t hit right away. It shows up just as you finish the nut, making you curious for more…then it happens!